Overcome Self-Doubt And Believe In Yourself

Donna S.Lam
4 min readJun 16, 2022


Donna SLam — Overcome Self-Doubt And Believe In Yourself

Self-Doubt: What it is

How often have you felt your friends and co-workers are going to discover you are a fraud and you tell yourself you don’t deserve your job and accomplishments?

Self-doubt settles in. Despite all your success and past accomplishment, you begin to doubt yourself

One of the hardest things that some people ever do is transform themselves from a person full of self-doubt to a self-assured person that believes in themselves.

The truth is that no matter where you are in life right now, no matter how many mistakes you’ve made, opportunities you’ve passed up, or what’s happened to you in life, you can overcome your self-doubt and start believing in yourself. This is true even if you had a poor upbringing and even if you’ve never believed in yourself before. It’s within your power, and it will change your life completely.

What Is Self-Doubt?

The dictionary defines self-doubt as, “the lack of confidence in oneself and one’s abilities.” This is a very good definition, but it doesn’t fully demonstrate the problems caused by self-doubt and not believing in yourself.

Think about these questions:

* What are the dangers of self-doubt?
* How does self-doubt affect your life?
* Where does self-doubt come from?
* And most importantly, how do you overcome it?

Everyone has different issues, reasons for their self-doubt, and problems in their life. You’re a unique person and there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

The Dangers of Self-Doubt and How It Affects Your Life

There are many dangers inherent in hanging on to self-doubt that you should be aware of. If you suffer from self-doubt, it’s important to understand the type of damage you’re doing to yourself if you continue to hang on to it. It has affected your past and present and can devastate your future if you don’t deal with it. Here’s why.

  • Self-Doubt Damages Motivation — When you don’t think you can do much, and don’t trust yourself to do something right, fear can get in the way of doing anything. This can turn into a severe lack of motivation to do more than you have to just to get by. It can affect your entire life because you may have less satisfying relationships, a job you hate, and not enjoy life much.
  • Self-Doubt Causes Procrastination — If you don’t think you know how to do things “right” then you may end up thinking you’re a perfectionist, which is just a way to procrastinate and never finish anything or finish it at the last minute. This is how you set yourself up for failure. No one is perfect and perfection is not necessary to thrive in this life.
  • Self-Doubt Leads to Regret — When you miss opportunities, you will experience regret. Regret, when left unresolved, can lead to chronic stress and anxiety. This will then build upon itself to create even more self-doubt, which will create more regret, and so on.
  • Self-Doubt Causes Defeatism — If you allow self-doubt to continue, you can start to become almost morbid in your belief that you cannot experience anything good or happy. It’s essentially an acceptance of failure.
  • Self-Doubt Stunts Self-Improvement — When you have no faith in yourself, it’s hard to even think about self-improvement. You think you have too much to improve because you can’t do anything, and maybe you even think you’re a victim of your circumstances to a point that you cannot achieve even if you try.
  • Self-Doubt Stifles Inspiration — When you don’t believe in yourself, it’s hard to get inspired to do anything new or to create anything new. Ending the self-doubt will bring out the creativity you already really have.

It’s normal to experience moments of doubt, many people do. The key is to not let your actions be guided by doubt. You can still have moments of self-doubt, just don’t let it rule your life.

Know that your future is bright.

Believe in yourself!

“Am I good enough? Yes I am,” — Michelle Obama

Meditation is a habit that may come easily to some. I have been meditating for over five years, but there were many days I found myself slipping. These days, not so much, not since I’ve printed out and put on my vision board over my desk these Positive Mindset graphics from Alice Seba at Publish for Prosperity. You can get these graphics at no cost here.

If you’re interested in revitalizing your life through meditation and would like to learn a virtually risk-free, and cost-effective practice, that people of all ages can do with a little patience and guidance and that will serve you for the rest of your life, I would love to connect with you. You can connect with me here.

I’m Donna SLam, who loves to blog about how meditation brings self-compassion, peace of mind, and clarity to my life and others by sharing tips and strategies to live a fulling and purposeful life. I enjoy championing others to lead a healthy and happy life through meditation, walking, self-development, and spending time with loved ones.



Donna S.Lam

I'm Donna S.Lam, I guide new entrepreneurs to Success, Positivity, and Inner Peace! I'm forever fine-tuning my personal development skills. DonnaPresents.com