Mindful Eating: Savor the Flavor
Simple Tips on Midful Eating
The American Heart Association’s article “Mindful Eating: Savor the Flavor” shares a very simple way of how you can easily get into the habit of eating mindfully.
Focus on the Food
Mindfulness has become as buzz-worthy as cold-pressed coffee. One simple way to eat healthier may be to simply be mindful when eating.
And guess what? Mindful eating doesn’t mean dieting or restrictions. It’s about taking a moment to take it in. There are a lot of methods out there, but we’ve simplified them for you.
Ponder: Before you eat, ask yourself, “Am I really hungry?” Sometimes we think we’re hungry when we’re thirsty or bored or stressed. Check-in, do you need nourishment in the form of food or do you need something else?
Appraise: When your food is in front of you, take a moment. How does it look? How does it smell? Do you really want it? Is it more than you need?
Slow: Slow down, like waaaay down. Put your fork down between bites. Chew your food and taste it. Slowing down helps your brain catch up with your stomach.
Savor: Really enjoy your food. How does the texture feel in your mouth? What are all the complex flavors you can taste? Take a moment to savor the satisfaction of each bite.
Stop: Stop when you’re full. Sounds so obvious, right? But hey, cleaning your plate isn’t necessary. By noticing when you’re full and stopping, you may avoid unnecessary calories and indigestion.
This is the method I use daily, that truly helps me enjoy and appreciate my meals mindfully.
It takes practice. At first, you may find eating one meal a day, or even a snack mindfully works for you. Then, go ahead, try it, and eat mindfully. Over time, you may find it second nature that you begin to be mindful eat to all your meals.
Bon appetite!
“Mindful eating is about awareness. When you eat mindfully, you slow down, pay attention to the food you’re eating, and savor every bite.” — Susan Albers
This article was originally published on my site at https://donnapresents.com/mindful-eating-savor-the-flavor/ .
Meditation is a habit that may come easily to some. I have been meditating for over five years, but there were many days I found myself slipping. These days, not so much, not since I completed the no-cost Action Habits Challenge by Connie Ragen Green, Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author, independent publisher, and serial entrepreneur. You can check it out here.
If you’re interested in revitalizing your life through meditation and would like to learn a virtually risk-free, and cost-effective practice, that people of all ages can do with a little patience and guidance and that will serve you for the rest of your life, I would love to connect with you. You can connect with me here.
I’m Donna SLam, who loves to blog about how meditation brings self-compassion, peace of mind, and clarity to my life and others by sharing tips and strategies on how to live a fulling and purposeful life. I enjoy championing others to lead a healthy and happy life through meditation, walking, self-development, and spending time with loved ones.